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Whithorn Early Med
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Whithorn Early Med
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8th Century Burial Chapel, Whithorn
The 8th century burial chapel at Whithorn during excavations. Four burials were found within th
Buildings and Drain, Whithorn
View of the lower part of the site at Whithorn, showing the waterlogged area which preserved organic
Anglian Coins, Whithorn
A group of Anglian Northumbrian silver coins - sceattas and stycas, from the late 8th and early 9th
Worked Antler
Pieces of roughly worked antler. the slotted and holed pieces are probably rough handles for tools.
Bronze belt buckle
Buckle with animal-headed terminals, lackin pin, and belt-plate with incised scorped decoration.
Bronze strip decorated with interlace animals
Bronze decorative strip with incised Ringerike ornament. There are three bronze rivets on the interi
Part of Steatite or Soapstone bowl
A piece of rim and wall of a steatite (soapstone) bowl, pierced for suspension. The rounded form mat
Decorated Lead Weight
The decoration belongs to the insular style of the late ninth century which is found in Ireland, the
Gaming board and pieces, Whithorn
A broken stone gaming board with two stone gaming pieces. The board is made from a thin slab of
Stone Gaming Counters, Whithorn
Twenty-four small round stone discs were found at Whithorn, of which a number are shown here. They a
Stone spindle whorls, Whithorn
A group of four stone spindle whorls, from the seventy-two stone whorls found during the excavations
WTAH103 Leather shoe + offcuts
Leather shoe sole + offcuts
Stone cresset or mortarium
Stone cresset or mortarium. This unusual object was found broken, used as packing round the post
Cross-incised grave marker
Cross-incised grave marker, with a relief cross on the other face. The rough dressing of the foot in
Anglian window glass
Shards of plain, painted and stained window glass. Most of this material came from a burial chap
Piece of quartz crystal
Piece of quartz crystal. It was found in a sixth centruy grave at Whithorn and may have been ke
Amber beads
Two amber beads. These beads are similar to ones from Viking burials on Colonsay and Islay, as w
Gold finger ring
Delicate, plain gold finger ring, mid 9th century in date.
Whitby-style Anglian strap-end
Whitby-style Anglian strap-end with animal-headed terminal. The strap-end is split at the butt for a
Four pairs of tweezers
Four pairs of tweezers, dating from the 7th century to the 12th century. The best preserved pair has
Two club-headed stick pins
Two club-headed stick pins. The longer one is probably for fastening a cloak, the smaller perhaps fo
Blue glass beads, Whithorn
A group of 'melon beads' of blue glass. The ornamentation is created dragging a metal tool, such as
Viking beads, Whithorn
A group of 'eye beads', a form very popular with the Norse, and found on Viking sites in Man, Irelan
Silver and gold rings, Whithorn
The gold ring was found in waterlogged accumulations on the site at Whithorn, at the bottom of the h
Bronze tweezers, Whithorn
Set of flat bronze tweezers with splayed ends. Analysis showed traces of gilding on them. They date
Turned antler, Whithorn
A screw-threaded piece of antler with central collar, broken at both ends. One of the ends is hollow
Antler mouthpiece, Whithorn
An abraded mouthpiece for a whistle or flute, dating to the 9th century. The air hole lacks the shar
Green Porphory, Whithorn
Small fragment of green porphyry. The two larger surfaces are polished smooth. Green porphyry comes
Bone pins, Whithorn
Two nail-headed pins, made from bone. These are decorative dress pins, and date to the second half o
Bronze bangle, Whithorn
A bangle of leaded brass. Traces of silver at the ends may be the remnants of plating. This small pi
Viking-period ring pins
A group of ring pins, so called because of the distinctive ring at the top or head of the pin. Most
Bronze stick pins, Whithorn
A group of bronze stick pins with decorated heads. The different patterns on the heads allow the pin
Crucible and fragment
Two crucibles, one of which is broken, from a metalworker's workshop. these would have been used for
Piece of slag
Piece of slag with lots of small gas bubbles (vesicules). This is a waste product derived from iron
Fragment of furnace wall
Fragment of furnace wall and vitrified lining. The orange material is the clay wall of a shaft furna
Socket stone
Stone with circular socket on each face. The socket shows clear indication of rotational wear, possi
Gold ingot
This ingot and an associated length of gold rod were found in what was probably a precious metal wor
Stone rosette mould
Stone mould for casting a small circular rosette mount or stud.It was found in an area associated wi
Silver strip mount
Silver strip mount with interlace decoration. Cleaning of a small portion of the strip revealed that
Copper alloy chape
Copper alloy chape with incised line decoration. The chape was originally tin-plated to give a silve
Small hinged terminal
Delicate hinged lobate terminal. The thinness of the pin suggests it is not a belt fitting, but coul
Anglian strap end
Anglian strap end with stylised animal-headed terminal. The other end is split to allow it to fit on
Silver hinge
Delicate silver hinge, perhaps from a casket, late 6th or early 7th century in date.
Copper alloy handle
Cylindrical handle with concave sides and a slightly domed but end. Three incised lines are cut rou
Large stick pin
Large bronze stick pin with lunate head. The upper half of the shank is square, becoming octagonal i
Bronze ring-pin
Bronze ring-pin, lacking ring. The head is cubic in shape, with facetted corners. A saltire cross ha
Bramble-headed bronze stick pin
Bramble-headed bronze stick pin, with slight swelling in the middle of the shaft. There are traces o
Broken stick pin
Spatulate end with scorped zig-zag ornament, shaft broken at upper end. Based on its shape, this is
Bronze toilet implement
Bronze toilet implement, possibly a small nail file, found during the Whithorn excavations. Its
Cross-incised stone
Small stone with a deeply incised cross potent motif on one side, and a pocked and grooved circular
Bronze toilet implement
Bronze toilet implement, with punched line and dot decoration. The scooped end may be an ear clean
Bronze toilet implement
Bronze toilet implement, possibly a nail cleaner. It is decorated with punched lines and dots. This
Piece of antler waste, Whithorn
The base of a red deer antler. The completeness of the base shows that the antler was naturally shed
Wooden Frame Saw, Whithorn
Side handle from a small bow saw, made of yew. This handle was found close to a Norse antler-working
Viking-period lead trough for processing cat pelts
This is one of the two large lead vessels from Whithorn. They were found in association with a numb
Silver Hiberno-Norse penny
Coins were struck for the Norse kings of Dublin between 995 and 1150. The coins are generally imit
Silver penny of King Cnut
Canute was crowned King of England in 1017. Under his name the country divided into the four great
Viking-period ring pins
A group of ring pins, so called because of the distinctive ring at the top or head of the pin. Most
Fragments of composite antler comb
Antler and bone combs are common finds on Early Medieval sites. The teeth on these combs are often
Decorated leather fragment, 8 - 9th century
This off cut may have been used as a sketch or trial piece for a design later carved in bone, antler
Decorated belt buckle
The shape and decoration are typical of buckles made and used in Ireland, the Isle of Man and the We
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