Konce Speilet
Ulf Wormdal was a young Norwegian befriended by the Jeffs family when he arrived in Dumfries. He became an airman, trained in Toronto, Canada and paid a final visit to the Jeffs home at Christmas 1941. He was shot down in a Spitfire over the English Channel in January 1942.
Dear Sir, I am an aviation historian in Cheshire and I found your interesting website while searching for further info on a Norwegian airman Ulf Wormdal. The info on your site that says he was killed in the English channel after being shot down, is however incorrect, Sgt Ulf Wormdal was in fact killed in an accident West of Brough Head, Orkney whilst engaged in a simulated attack on a Swordfish of the Fleet Air Arm on 16/3/42 while flying Spitfire P7759 from RAF Skeabrae with 331 Squadron. I was most intersted to find out about his arrival in Scotland and his artistic talent.
Object no :
Collection :
Creator :
Ulf Wormdal
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
height 223mm, width 150mm
Materials :
Location :
Accession number :
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council