Sgt A Robertson, M.M.

On loan to The Museum is a record of Sergeant Alexander Robertson, M.M., of Newton Stewart who died in 1917 in Flanders. Of particular note and pride is the Military Medal awarded to him for bravery in the field.   "These are the medals of Sargeant Alexander Robertson, M. M., from Newton Stewart, who died on Tuesday 30th October 1917, whilst serving with "C" Battery of the 155th. Brigade Royal Field Artillery. Sgt. Robertson has no known grave but is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium and on the local war memorial in Dashwood Square.  The medals are the Military Medal awarded for "bravery in the field", The British War Medal and the Victory Medal.  The commemorative plaque, and covering letter, sent to the families of those killed in the Great War of 1914 - 18, is also on display.  These items were generously loaned to the museum by Miss N. R. Gray, Motherwell."
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Newton Stewart Museum Trust
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