Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon was born 15th of August 1769, he was christened
Napoleone di Buonaparte. He was a French military and political
leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led
several successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars. He
joined the French armies when his father died and he had to return
Corsica. Returning to Corsica meant a return to service. The
Revolutionary ended in 1792 when France was declared a republic,
King Louis XVI would be executed the following year. France decided
to create a new position called the First Consul, which allowed the
person to appoint ministers, generals, civil servants, magistrates
and members of the legislative assemblies. Napoleon with his great
political skills would be appointed the first consul. In 1802 he
was elected consul for life, and in 1804 he was proclaimed Emperor
of France. At this time many began to notice how much power
Napoleon was holding. As a result, he was sent into exile to the
island of Elba in 1814.Napolean escaped from exile and the
following year he leads troops into Belgium and defeated the
Prussians. A few days after that, he was beaten at Waterloo forcing
him to abdicate his powers.
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