Small swords
Alongside rapiers, the small swords in the 8th Lord Howard de
Walden's collection demonstrate the superb skill and craftmanship
required for integrating form and function. From their
initial development at the start of the
16th century until their prime in the
early 17th century, the rapier, a
large, slender, sharply pointed cut-and-thrust sword, dominated as
the sword of choice for civillian gentleman. However, during the
course of the 17th century, the blades
of the rapier became shorter, lighter and more elegant. These
trimmer blades became known as the smallsword. The first prototypes
of the smallsword emerged in Western Europe around 1630, with the
style gradually supplanting the rapier in popularity, although the
longer and heavier rapier was still favoured in Spain and the
country's dependencies in Italy. While still deadly in the hands of
a skilled swordsperson, the more portable smallsword, with its
typical ornate and highly decorated hilts and blades, became status
symbols and an integral part of a gentleman's wardrobe. The
popularity of smallswords fell out of style at the end of the
18th century as pistols and other
firearms replaced swords, which were frequently used in