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Luce Sands
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Axe flakes, Luce Sands
Four large flakes from polished stone axes. Flakes like these are quite common on Luce Sands. They
Stone anvil, Luce Sands
A triangular water-rolled sandstone cobble with a battered and striated face. Probably used as an an
Stone anvil, Luce Sands
A triangular water-rolled sandstone cobble with a battered and striated face. Probably used as an an
Bronze pin, Luce Sands
A complete bronze pin with a flat, decorated head. A chance find made by W F Cormack while sear
Ground stone tool, Luce Sands
A splayed rectangular cobble with rounded edges and flat faces. Batter marks at both ends and an ar
Ground stone tool, Luce Sands
A splayed rectangular cobble with rounded edges and flat faces. Batter marks at both ends and an ar
Shale bracelet, Luce Sands
Fragments of a large, polished shale bangle or bracelet. Found on the sand dunes in the 1950s by a
Polished flint knife, Luce Sands
A polished rectangular flint knife. Both faces have been ground to a uniformly flat surface with a
Neolithic pot, Luce Sands
Part of the rim and body of a large Neolithic pot. The original pot was a wide-mouthed, round-botto
Neolithic pottery, Luce Sands
Late Neolithic pottery known as Impressed Ware because of the decorative pattern pressed into the su
Pitchstone, Luce Sands
Small blades and flakes of pitchstone collected from Luce Sands by W F Cormack in the 1960s and 70s.
Glass bangle, Genoch Sands
Fragment of an opaque glass bangle or bracelet. Objects like this were made locally by native craft
Roman brooch, Luce Sands
A small and very corroded Roman brooch. It was found on Luce Sands and once formed part of Reverend
Roman brooch, Luce Sands
A small and very corroded Roman brooch. It was found on Luce Sands and once formed part of Reverend
Flake from a stone axe, Luce Sands
A large flake or fragment from a polished stone axe. A number of axe flakes have been found on the
Beaker pottery, Luce Sands
Fragments or sherds of Beaker pottery collected from the sand dunes at Luce Sands. The pottery has
Buckle and needle fragments
Two finds from Luce Sands; the buckle is thought to be Roman on the basis of its shape.
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