The Battle of Flamborough Head, an eye witness account of the battle of Flamborough Head by John Paul Jones's Midshipman Nathaniel Fanning of Conneticut (part e)
I might also tell you here though that the English were in the habit of saying that Captain Jones fought with a halter round his neck, in allusion to his having been imprisoned for murder. And if he should fall into their hands, even as a prisoner of war, he would not be considered as such, but that he would be hanged immediately upon being taken. Also that Jones never did, nor never would fight, except he was nearly drunk. The English generally believing this to be the case with him, called him a pot valiant fellow. Such mean, grovelling, and dastardly means used in order to undermine a man's well earned popularity I despise.
As to the report of Jones' being pot valiant. I declare that it is absolutely false, Having lived part of the time while I sailed with him in his cabin, I have a right to know, and shall here declare that I never knew him to drink any kind of ardent spirits; on the contrary his constant drink was limonade, lime juice and water, with a little sugar to make it the more palatable. It is true that every day while at sea and the weather good, he made it a custom to drink three glasses of wine, immediately after the table cloth was removed.
Object no :
JPFA011n, JPFA012n, JPFA013n
Collection :
Creator :
Ian Alasdair Rodgers
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
Materials :
watercolour on paper
Location :
Accession number :
013a, 012a, 002a
Copyright :
John Paul Jones Birthplace Museum Trust