Passport by Queen Elizabeth to Lord Boyd to go to the Queen of Scots with a message
Transcript: “Whereas the Lord Boyd bearer hereof dothe presently repayr unto the Quene of Scottis to communicate unto her certain thingis he hath to declare unto her from us. Our will and pleasyr is that ye do not only suffer him with six servaunts in his company quietly to pass by youe without any your lett or interruption, but also that youe see him and his said servaunts and guyde furnished place to place between this and the place where the sayd Quene doth mak her abode, at pricis reasounable, of able horsis to ride post, with all other thingis necessary for his journey. Not failing herof as ye tender our pleasyr and will aunswer for the contrary. Geven under our Signet at our honour of Hampton Court the XVIIIth daye of December 1568, the eleventh yeir of our reign.”
Object no :
Collection :
Creator :
Queen Elizabeth I
Place of Production :
Hampton Court, England
Dimensions :
253 x 204mm
Materials :
Location :
Accession number :
Copyright :
East Ayrshire Council