Letter from Anne, Queen of James VI, to the Earl of Errol

This letter is written by the wife of James VI, son of  Mary Queen of Scots and Lord Darnley.It concerns the proposed marriage between the Master of Caithness and one of the Earl of Erroll's daughters. The marriage did not take place.   My lord I resaved your lettir schawing me of this purpois betwixt the maister of Caitnes and your dochtir Which I lyk verray weill and desyrs you to proceed thairin and nocht to lat it go bak for it is ane honourable matche Thair is soume of your friends That is onwilling that it suld be bot I ondirstand Thay have thair auine perticullar in it I think it best that the maister of Caitnes cum heir himself that they may sie uthers befoir your dochtir go downe It is feittar that he cum to sie hir no scho to go downe to him befoir ye be assured how thay sall lyk of uthers I will not have hir to go as an hay went in hope of ane marriage and than turne to nothing thairfoir I will have the contract endit and subscryved and send up heir that I may sie it befoir that I will suffir hir to go frome hens So commits you to god and rests as I have evir professed Your loving quiene and maistres Anna R.   This letter is contained within the Boyd Family Album - a portfolio of documents, images and other manuscripts collected by the Boyd Family after they inherited the title Earl of Erroll.
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East Ayrshire Council
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