Agreement signed by Mary Queen of Scots, confirming arrangements made with Queen Elizabeth for her, by Lord Boyd and others – 9 February 1569
Transcript: “Maire be the grace of God queen of Scottis and dowarier of France. Forasmekle as we apointit our traist counsalours and freindis Johnne bischope of Ross, Williame Lorde Levingston, Robert Lord Boyd, John Lord Herys, Gavyn commendatur of Kilwynnyng, Johnne Gordon of Lochinbar, knicht, James Cockburne of Skirling, Knicht, Oure commissioneris to treate for us and for our effaris, with our derrest sister the Quene of Ingland or hir commissioneris at the citie of Yoorke or in onie uther place within the Realme of Ingland quhair it plesit hir to apoynt. We having perused thair procedingis, and understanding thair faythfull mynde and trew service thair intill, does verie weill allow thairof quhilk we make notifiit be thir presentis gevin under our signett and subscrivit with our hand. At Tutberry the Nynt day of Febreuar the yeir of God Im Vc thre scoir aucht years, and of our Regnne the twenty sevint yeir.” N.B. The year is written as 1568 because at that time the start of the year was 26 March, still used for the financial year. So any date from 1st January to 25 March is in the following year by our reckoning.
Object no :
Collection :
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Place of Production :
Tutbury, England
Dimensions :
179 x 156mm
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Accession number :
Copyright :
East Ayrshire Council