Manuscript detailing the rental agreement between the Boyds and Margaret Tudor

Remission to Robert Boyd of 100 marks yearly and the sum of 500 marks for the upholding of the castle (Dean Castle), place and house of Kilmarnock.   Transcription:       Regina   We understanding that our lovit Robert boyd hes in assedatioun of us our landis and lordschip of kilmernok for ane ____ male of Vc merkis to be pait therfor yerlie upon the letting and upholding of our castell place and houssis therof of kilmernok quhilk he may nocht gudlie do without he be supportit and helpit be us therin Tharfor and for certane utheris resonabill caussis and considerationis moving uswe with avisis and consent of our derest spous hary lord of methven be the tenor heirof remittis sand forgevis to the said Robert his aris executouris assignais and subtenentis yerlie ane hendreth merkis of the said five hundredth merkis of male to the letting and upholding of our said castell plave and houssis of kilmernok in all necessaris and dischargeis thame therof yerlie during all the takkis ___ thai have or happinnis to get of have of us our saidis landis and lordschip in tyme cuming In witness of the quhilk ___ to thir our lettres subscrivit with our hand our signet is affixt togidder with the subscriptioun of our said derest spous [the] signeof his consent to thir premissis at Edinburgh the XXVI day of maii The yere of god Im Vc XXIX yeris             Margaret R   Henry lord methven  
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East Ayrshire Council
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