Spindle whorls

Spindle whorls were used for spinning wool. The spindle whorl on the left has been shaped out of a stone, while the one on the right has been made with clay.   Combed or carded wool was spun on a spindle fitted with a whorl. This helped to weight it, and gave momentum as it turned. These whorls were found on sites with religous connections, including Lannhall, Tynron; Kirkfield, Mouswald; Durisdeer Churchyard and Kirkhill, Dalton.   The similarity of stone and design combined with the widely separated sites may mean that there was a trade or localised industry in spindle whorls.
Object no :
Collection :
Creator :
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
diameter 51mm; diameter 42mm
Materials :
Stone; clay
Location :
Accession number :
PU425, CL446
Copyright :
East Ayrshire Council
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