Ballintober-type sword

This sword was deliberately broken and thrown into an area of marsh or bog, probably as an offering to the gods.  Ritual deposits of Bronze Age metalwork are common in Scotland.  The shape and design of this sword show that it was made in Ireland.  Interestingly, the place where it was ritually buried - the northern tip of the Rhinns of Galloway - is within sight of the Irish coast.   Bronze sword in three parts, badly eroded.  Bends at the junctions between the breaks indicate a deliberate breakage.  The handle has a trapezoidal tang with traces of four notches for attaching bone or wooden handle plates.
Object no :
Collection :
Creator :
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
length 53mm
Materials :
copper alloy
Location :
Related site :
Accession number :
WIWMS 2002.23
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council
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