Grave marker of Afutianus
Although a Roman centurion, Afutianus was not a Roman citizen.
He may have been born in Germany or France, and was an ordinary
soldier who had risen through the ranks. The stone reads
"To the spirit of the departed Afutianus, son of Bassus,
centurian of the Second Cohort of Tungrians." The altar was
erected by his wife, Flavia Baetica.
The Second Cohort of Tungrians served at Birrens in the mid 2nd
century AD. Origianlly recruited from the area of the Tungri trible
in eastern Belgium, their numbers were later supplemented by
recruits from Germanic tribes. Over a third of the
inscriptions found at Birrens so far have been dedicated by this
particular unit.
Object no :
DMMO021a, DMDO021b
Collection :
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Place of Production :
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Accession number :
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council