Shell Midden

Shell Midden, Raised Beach - at least 150 feet of an oyster midden, at least 30 feet wide has been revealed, once about 1930 and again in 1960, in the region of the Dalrymple Street - Academy Street - Edinburgh Road Crossing. On each occasion it was revealed during PO cable-laying. Its upper surface lies at 34 feet OD. There are samples in Stranraer and Dumfries Museums.   Found, on the surface of the midden, were a small wooden wheel and a large module of flint (A E Truckell 1960)  In 1960 a trench, running along the pavement, on the south side of Edinburgh Road, was dug by PO personnel. Traces of the kitchen midden were revealed c.2ft below the pavement level, at No.2, Edinburgh Road. It is believed that the midden extended southwards below No.2 (J K Cowden, Hanover Street, Stranraer).     
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