Flint Nodule, Eskdalemuir

A large example of a flint nodule found in Eskdalemuir with an irregular shape, and with two ends broken off showing off the dark flint within. Flint nodules such as these were often collected from river beds or beaches, but inland they could also be found in outcrops.   Flint Knapping   Mesolithic peoples obtained edged blades by breaking flakes from a larger rock. Their most characteristic blade was the tiny microlith which could be made in a range of shapes and set in groups into wood and bone handles to form arrowheads and spears. They could also be hafted into cutting tools or used to provide a sharp point for piercing. Knapping was a specialise skill, requiring good hand and eye co-ordination as well as a knowledge of stone and the way that it fractured.
Object no :
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Dimensions :
length: 210 mm width: 150 mm
Materials :
flint & stone
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