Letter from William Boyd to the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon

My Lord Duke,   After returning your Grace my most hearty thanks for all the favours you have done me, and particularly for the pains you have taken for my Life, I beg leave to ask for one other as my last Request.   Your Grace was so good as to grant me the Rents of the Lands of Mumbrells & which forfeited to your Family by my Father in Law's Attainder in the manner it now stands. Will your Grace allow me to ask that , as long as you allow any of my Family possess that sunbject or, if when you find it clear of all incumbrances from the Publick, you make a Disposition of it to any of them, it may to my second son Charles, in case his mother is found to have sufficient sums beside: if not I should wish it to go to my Wife first and to Charles after her as the strength of his filial duty to me and his affection for me, has brought on him the misfortune he now labours under.   The knowledge I have of your Grace's goodness, generosity and friendship has made me venture on this Request . I beg you'll forgive the boldness of it and believe that I sincerely wish you all happiness and prosperity, and that I am with the greatest regard and sincerity My Lord Duke  Your Grace's most grateful, most obliged and most faithfull, humble servant William Boyd   Tower of London, August 17th 1746
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