Letter Concerning the Earl of Kilmarnock's Condition Prior to his Execution
Transcript: "I shall deliver the letter your Grace sent to me last night and beg if there be any answer to the inclosed that you will send it to me by the bearer or if that does not suit your conveniency be pleased to send it as the last to me to the Brittish before 4 o'Clock. I give you the joy to know that the beauty of his behaviour on loseing all hopes of life appeared to me something more than human I have the honour to be
Your Graces' very melancholy
humble servant
Alex Home"
Saturday 1o'Clock
Sunday Morning,
I was with our most unfortunate Friend several hours yesterday his behaviour continues calm and resolute which I am convinced he will support to the last. With the answer to the inclosed be pleased to send the sketch of this letter to L.Boyd, he called anxiously for it yesterday. God Bless your Grace."
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East Ayrshire Council