Wallace Memorial, Barnweil

A monument to William Wallace, Barnweil Tower was built in 1855 and is situated on top of Barnweil Hill, to the north east of Ayr. It is said to mark the place from which Wallace watched the substantile grain barns of Ayr burning. His men had set them alight after trapping the English garrison inside as they were being used as barracks for the soldiers. Wallace's company waited outside and slaughtered any of the soldiers who managed to escape the blazing buildings. Folk tales also say that Wallace was in league with the local Black Friar monks who murdered the English officers who were billited in their abbey. Local legend has it that the name came from Wallace’s comment that the barns were burning well, but this is not likely to be true as the name was already in existence prior to this. Nearby are the remains of Barnweil Church, where John Knox once preached.
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nr. Tarbolton, South Ayrshire
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glass plate slide
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East Ayrshire Council
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