Rev George Wilson

Rev. George Wilson was one of the pioneers of Wigtownshire archaeology.  In 1848 he was appointed the first minister of the Free Church, New Luce.  He stayed in the post until 1892.   He built up a large collection of prehistoric stone and flint tools from Luce Sands.  He would take the train to Dunragit and spend a full day scouring the dunes.  Over his shoulder he carried a large tubular metal case to hold any finds he made.  Local people knew of his interest and would hand over any interesting discoveries they made.    Wilson was much more than a collector.  He explored the area searching for and recording prehistoric sites and monuments.  His notes and papers are now an important source of archaeological information.  He was also involved in a number of excavations at local crannogs.   He published a number of important archaeological articles in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.  He was also the Wigtownshire Secretary of the Ayrshire and Wigtonshire Archaeological Association, founded in 1877.   Wilson donated his collection and archaeological papers to the Museum of Antiquaries in Edinburgh, now the National Museum of Scotland.
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