Stone Battle Axe, Amisfield

From the collection of Dr Grierson, this small battle axe with central shaft hole has a blade which curves outwards, and both sides have two incised lines of decoration.    Battle axes were designed as weapons of war, with a cutting edge at one end, a hammer at the other and a central hourglass shaft hole for hafting. They are associated with the Beaker people and are sometimes found with burial urns. They are relatively uncommon in south west Scotland, perhaps because the high and difficult terrain deterred conflict.   Producing tools like these took time. After selecting an appropriate rock, a hammer was used to create the rough shape. The Bronze Age stone mason would have continued pecking at the rock, using smaller and finer tools as the work progressed. The shaft hole would have been made by drilling from both sides, perhaps with a section of antler or bone in a bow drill.   Many of these implements have a polished surface, which was achieved by rubbing on a wetted stone slab, perhaps using sand as an abrasive.
Object no :
Creator :
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
length: 100 mm width: 45 mm depth: 48 mm
Materials :
stone & sandstone
Location :
Accession number :
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