Lace Making – machine & hand lace
Hand-made lace like many forms of textile has its origins in
the mists of time. It became popular in the 16th century and was at
the peak of its production in the 17th century. It falls into two
categories, the first made entirely with the needle is a
development of embroidery and the second known as pillow, bobbin or
bone lace is made by twisting and plaiting threads with the
Needlepoint lace was produced all over Europe in addition to
the wider world. Styles developed regionally and areas became
famous for a particular type of lace usually known by the name of
the country or town with which it was connected.
Pillow, bobbin or bone lace as its name suggests was made
using a pillow as a base on which to work. The pillow could be
large or small, mushroom-shaped or cylindrical depending on the
type of lace to be made. The mushroom shape was used for motifs
which could be joined to fashion collars, cuffs and more elaborate
laces and flounces. The cylindrical pillow was used for edgings and
insertions. Pillows were made from pieces of textile stuffed with
straw, compressed down and covered with strong smooth material.
Thread could be fine or coarse. The pattern to be produced was
pricked out onto parchment; this was secured to the pillow and pins
inserted into each hole. Early pins were made from bone, wood,
bronze and silver. Trimmed thorns and fish bones were also used as
was brass, which was expensive but would not rust. Lacemakers
sometimes decorated the heads of some pins to help 'pinpoint' the
work in progress.
Bobbins were the next requirement, and lots of them. A
narrow strip of lace might need around twenty-five bobbins. The
earliest ones were made from bone (i.e. bone lace), ivory, silver
and even precious metals. Pillow and bobbin styles developed
differently throughout Europe. Continental bobbins tend to be
bulbous while British ones are slim and straight with little
slightly rounded heads, the neck under this area was where the
thread was wound. There are named varieties, for example, leopards
- inlaid with pewter spots, tigers - with metal rings, old maids -
slim and unadorned. Some have sunken holes spotted with bright
colours. The tail ends were decorated with little bunches of
'jingles' or 'spangles' - beads, buttons or rings to add decoration
and weight. Most were made at home and handed down as heirlooms.
Many were made to be given as love tokens marked with the initials
of the girl and/or her lover. To make the lace the threads were
attached at the top of the pillow. The bobbins carrying the yarn
were twisted over, under, back and forth around the inserted pins
to create the patterned fabric.
Originally machine lace net did not develop from hand-made
lace but from the knitting or STOCKING FRAME invented by William
Lee in 1589. This machine produced solid material by looping one
row horizontally on top of another using a continuous thread known
as 'stocking' stitch. A similar basic process will be familiar to
all hand knitters of today. It was not until the late 18th century
that a material with a 'lacey' pattern was produced using the WARP
KNITTING FRAME, a development of the stocking frame. This machine
still looped yarn but employed a single length of thread which ran
vertically along each row and caught up the loops in a zig-zag
fashion. This had the effect of making an open-work fabric by
creating 'holes' and this produced the first machine
The next important development in the journey of machine
lace production was the BOBBIN NET MACHINE. This produced a fabric
similar to hand-made bobbin or pillow lace. It produced a net of
hexagonal, twisted mesh rather than the looped material of the
knitting frames. Patterned decoration was still at this time added
by hand with many variations in style and technique. This machine
was similar to weaving inasmuch as there were warp threads attached
to beams. What would have been the weft threads, did not cross and
interlace with the warp but were carried on flat circular bobbins,
which move in, round and out giving a twist around the warp
threads. John Heathcoat first patented this machine in 1808, in
Nottingham, with an upgraded version in 1809.
The LEVERS single
tier net machine of 1813 was an advance on the Heathcoat machine.
Between this time and the mid 19th century, this machine was
developed until it produced a patterned lace with or without a net
ground. The whole fabric was produced in one complicated operation
involving the inclusion of additional vertical threads alongside
the warp threads. These vertical threads move in a sideways motion
and are caught by the bobbins which move in a backwards and
forwards motion providing the pattern - all controlled by jacquard
cards installed at the top of the loom.
In the late 19th century in the Irvine Valley, Ayrshire in
Central Scotland an industry of machine lace developed due to the
enterprise of one individual in particular, Alexander Morton. This
area has been a centre for clothmaking since at least the 16th
century when French and Flemish Huguenots refugees brought their
skills to the area. In 1566 Mary, Queen of Scots, extended the
Newmilns Burgh Charter of 1491 to state that the burgesses had
'full power and fair liberty of buying and selling wines, wax,
woollen and linen cloths, broad and narrow, and other lawful
Alexander Morton realised that the traditional business of
hand weaving was on the wain and that a new industry was needed to
sustain the 'Valley' towns of Darvel, Newmilns and Galston. The
main product of the mid 19th century in this area was decorated
gauze or 'madras', derived from an Indian fabric as the name
suggests. This was a form of gauze produced by a modified
cross-weaving process that allowed a pattern to be woven into the
material. This created a light and delicate fabric with an open and
transparent quality. However, the valley, being a rural area had
little local demand. The material that was produced was sent to
Glasgow for distribution.
Alexander Morton had been aware for some time that new
powered lace-looms were competing successfully in the Nottingham
area with the madras trade. Lace-looms were able to produce a woven
fabric similar to madras. Whereas madras had an additional process
involving the need to cut away excess yarn (part of the production
process) power lace-loom weaving eliminated the need for this
procedure. After seeing a demonstration of a power lace-loom, he
thought that this could offer a way forward, that the skills of the
valley hand weavers could be adapted to working with these new
looms. A machine was purchased and installed at Darvel in 1877 and
after some teething troubles was put to work. This was the
beginning of the Scottish Machine Lace Industry.
The East Midlands - Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and
Leicestershire was famous for the production of lace in the late
19th century and well into the 20th century. Nottingham is
generally known as the 'lace' capital of the world but in fact most
British lace has not actually been produced in Nottingham itself
but in surrounding areas. Merchants and distributors sold the goods
from the markets in the centre of the city and engineers and lace
machine builders were established on the fringes. It was these
sections of the industry that anchored the lace trade to
Nottingham. 'Nottingham Lace' was made in factories dotted around
Britain, although the East Midland counties had by far the largest
concentration of lace makers.
Ayrshire cornered the market in lace curtain making and
household soft furnishings. The growth of the lace industry saw the
decline of handloom weaving in the Valley although there was still
a demand for hand-made madras. Handlooms were installed for a
period within the factories and both handloom and power-loom
manufacturing processes ran in tandem. Madras and lace, in
particular, were in such demand that factories were working
throughout the day and night to keep up with orders. By the 1880s
around a thousand people were employed in Darvel alone bringing
people from all the surrounding towns and from neighbouring
Kilmarnock, which also had its lace factories.
The Valley towns and Kilmarnock flourished from the late
19th century until the end of the World War II with dips in
business during the two wars. This was the golden period of the
industry. Associated trades such as textile design, jacquard card
cutting and engineering also prospered. Local people had never
lived to such a high standard. The Irvine Valley, at this time was
producing 50% of all lace furnishings in Britain. Other members of
the Morton family had joined the business and were involved in the
industry in a variety of ways including experimenting with dyes.
They were employing some of the best designers of the day and
supplied high quality retail outlets like Liberty's in London. The
Valley companies were also diversifying into new materials like
chenille, double-sided velvets and carpets. Ayrshire was leading
the way in textile design and innovation. Joseph Hood of Newmilns,
who, in addition to producing lace made improvements to the design
of lace machinery. One of the first Valley companies was Messrs.
Hood, Morton, Cleland & Co.
The production of machine lace starts in the design room. It
was painstaking work starting with a black and white hand drawn
design produced on graph paper. This was transferred to a coloured
design which was hand painted. These were produced in a variety of
sizes, some large around 8'x 4' or more. The colour did not
indicate an end product showing colour but rather a depth of
fabric. Red indicated solid cloth, green a finer effect and white
represented holes in the fabric. This was submitted to the client
for approval. The design was then passed to the jacquard card
cutter who 'read' the pattern and transferred this information into
his machine. With the push of a lever the design details were
transferred to the business end of the machine which punched holes
into cards. These cards were sewn together and installed in the
jacquard frame at the top of the loom. It is this that provides the
lace-loom with the instructions it needs in order to weave the
patterned lace.
Following the World War II factories were faced with stiff
competition from overseas. Fashions changed and by the 1960s and
70s over half the mills in the Valley had closed. However
diversification has allowed the continuation of the textile mills,
producing a range of fabrics and items including tartans, sports
goods, terylene and window furnishings. Ultra-modern machinery
produces nylon and polyester lace using an automated process which
is more like knitting than weaving!
There is still one factory in the Irvine Valley that
produces traditional cotton lace - Morton, Young & Borland Ltd.
in Newmilns. Smith & Archibald Ltd. in Darvel still uses
traditional lace-looms to produce a variety of products including
baby blankets. The skills that were developed 130 years ago still
exist in the Valley today. To see one of these huge impressive
machines producing 'fairy' fabric is a thrilling sight. Many of the
workers can trace their families' back to those people who were
instrumental in starting this wonderful manufacturing survivor. The
pride in this heritage shows in the quality of the products still
being produced.