William Marshall & Katie O'Neil
Most of the Travellers that McCormick met and interviewed came from Galloway. He built up particularly good relations with the Marshalls and here we see William Marshall, patriarch of the family, and his wife Katie O’Neil.
There can be no doubt that the Marshalls have also Gypsy blood in their veins. The appearance of the various members of the family prove it, and the presence of many Romani words in their cant confirms it. Tradition related that the Marshalls have been tinklers in Galloway since time out of mind; and it is likely there were tinkler Marshalls in Galloway in 1505.
Object no :
Collection :
Creator :
Place of Production :
Newton Stewart area
Dimensions :
31/4" x 31/4" (82mm x 82mm)
Materials :
glass lantern slides
Location :
Accession number :
Copyright :
The Artist's Family