The sketch

The sketch for the title page of ‘The Tinkler-Gypsies of Galloway’ shows a Traveller family at Blackcraig, Newton Stewart. The illustration, drawn by Dr Hamilton Irving of Huddersfield, includes the figure of a priest following a Traveller’s wagon. This might refer to the Catholic priest who appears in Lavengro, the autobiography of the Victorian writer and gypsyologist George Borrow. McCormick was influenced by Borrow’s work and published an article in The Gallovidian magazine on his mentor’s tour through Galloway in 1866.
Object no :
Collection :
Creator :
Place of Production :
Newton Stewart area
Dimensions :
31/4" x 31/4" (82mm x 82mm)
Materials :
glass lantern slides
Location :
Accession number :
Copyright :
The Artist's Family
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