Lobster Girl

Children were often the subject of Robert Gemmell Hutchison's paintings. This painting is a little unusual as it shows just one girl alone and at work. She is perhaps helping her fisherman father. It was more common for Hutchison to paint groups of children at play.   Through his use of colour and his loose handling of paint the artist manages to evoke a sense of a bright and windy day. An on-shore breeze is tugging at the the grasses and the girl's clothes. Seascapes such as this were one of Hutchison's strengths and they demonstrate the influence of fellow Scottish painter William MacTaggart.
Object no :
Creator :
Robert Gemmell Hutchison (1855 - 1936)
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
800 x 650mm
Materials :
oil on canvas
Location :
Related site :
Accession number :
Copyright :
The Artist
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