Sweetheart Abbey, Dumfries. Photographic Views of Dumfries and Neighbourhood, Kings Arms Hotel

Lady Devorgilla Balliol built Sweetheart Abbey in memory of her late husband, John Balliol.  Erected between 1273 and 1280, it was also known as New Abbey to distinguish it from the Old Abbey of Dundrennan, near Kirkcudbright, from which it was colonised.  The "White Monks" of the Abbey were assisted by lay brothers in agriculture, horse and cattle breeding, the wool trade, and the making of salt from sea water.  The monks owned a water mill for grinding corn.  Through their harbour on the River Nith they imported building materials for the Abbey, including red sandstone from Caerlaverock.  Massive granite boulders removed from the monastery's 30 acre site were built into a 12 foot high precinct wall.  The Abbey buildings included a granary, a brewhouse, a bakehouse, a guest house, an infirmary, a church and a school.  Within the abbey grounds is the unmarked burial place of William Paterson, co-founder of the Bank of England.   These sepia photographs of Sweetheart Abbey are from an album presented to the Kings Arms Hotel by local businesses in Dumfries and Maxwelltown.  The businesses placed advertisements in the album.
Object no :
DMPG045n; DMPG062n
Collection :
Creator :
A and T Hunter (Stationers, 142 High Street, Dumfries)
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
width 199mm, height 130mm; width 197mm, height 134mm
Materials :
Location :
Related site :
Accession number :
DUMFM:2006.3.3.4; DUMFM:2006.3.3.21
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council
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