The Peter Pan Picture Book
This is an illustrated story book which includes 28 colour
prints, complete with protective titled sheets. Some pages
have musical score and song notation. This is the second
impression published in the month following the first edition.
Sir J M Barrie wrote "Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Would Not
Grow Up", as a stage play, full of theatrical spectacle and
intended for an audience of children. On 27 December 1904,
the first production of Peter Pan was staged in London. The
demand for a children's story book based on the play led to Barrie
giving his blessing to "The Peter Pan Picture Book", which was
published with 28 inspired illustrations by Alice B Woodward, and a
text adapted from the play by Daniel O'Connor.
The themes of Peter Pan developed gradually in Barrie's
writing; privately in his notebooks, as a way of understanding
himself, then in "The Boy Castaways", which was written and printed
specially for the boys of the Llewelyn Davies family in 1901.
In "The Little White Bird", a novel for adult readers published
in 1902, Peter Pan arrives in a publically available work for the
first time. This novel tells of how Captain W -, a confirmed
bachelor, befriends a small boy in London's Kensington Gardens and
describes the imaginary world they construct together. Barrie's
publisher extracted the Peter Pan chapters from this book and
published them along with illustrations by the famed book
illustrator, Arthur Rackham, as "Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens"
in 1906. Barrie meanwhile, was writing the stage play that was
to fuel demand for the children's story book.
Object no :
DMBK025a; DMBK025b; DMBK025c
Collection :
Creator :
Daniel O'Connnor
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
width 185mm, height 250mm
Materials :
paper, cloth (boards)
Location :
Accession number :
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council