Letter to Henry Truckell from J M Barrie, 17 September 1927
Letter written by J M Barrie to Henry Truckell of Dumfries,
commenting on Mr Truckell's writing skills and publication
Holograph manuscript letter, written on one side with the
address pre-printed at the top. The recipient's name
was covered with paper whilst the letter was
previously on exhibition.
17 Sept 1927
Dear Mr Truckell
I was very interested to hear from the nephew of my very
dear John Galloway and have been reading your mss with pleasure. It
seems to me to have a great deal of merit and I have done the best
I could think of, I have given it to one of our younger
publishers (and therefore perhaps more enterprising), Mr Peter
Davies, and asked him to communicate with you about it. Of course
Faust has been much translated, and it may be that Mr Davies will
feel as those other publishers have done but at any rate he will
give it his careful attention. With [?] greetings and
Yours Sincerely
J M Barrie
Object no :
Collection :
Creator :
J M Barrie
Place of Production :
Adelphi Terrace House, Strand, London WC2
Dimensions :
width 139mm, height 180mm
Materials :
Location :
Accession number :
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council