Letter from Burns to 'Mrs. Burns, Mauchline'
Burns wrote this letter from Ellisland on 14th October 1788. It reads:
"My dearest Love,
You need not come on Sunday to meet me on the road, for I am engaged that day to dine with Mr Logan at Laycht, so it will be in the evening before arrive at Mauchline.
You must get ready for Nithsdale as fast as possible, for I have an offer of a house in the very neighbourhood with some furniture in it, all of which I shall have the use of for nothing till my own house be got ready; and I am determined to remove you from Ayrshire immediately, as I am a sufferer by not being on the farm myself. - We will want a Maid servant, of consequence: if you can hear of any to hire, ask after them. - The apples are all sold and gone. - I am extremely happy at the idea of your coming to Nithsdale, as it will save us from these cruel separations. The house is one in which a Mr Newal lived during the summer, who is gone to Dumfries in Winter. - It is a large house, but we will only occupy a room or two of it.-
I am ever, my dearest Madam, your faithful husband and humble servant Robt Burns"
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Robert Burns
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East Ayrshire Council