Translation of James IV Charter 1490
Translation of the
charter granted by King James the Fourth in favour of the Town of
Newmyllis creating it into a free Burgh of Barony.
9th January 1490.
(Translation from
the original Latin.)
upon the Creation of the Town of Newmyllis into a free Burgh of
James by the grace of God King of Scots.
To all good men of his whole Kingdom, Clergy and Lairty greeting.
Know ye that for the particular favour which we bear towards our
Lairte George Campbell of Loudoun our Sheriff of Ayr, and for the
advantage and utility of our Lieges the Inhabitants of the Town of
Newmyllis, and other places adjacent, with the advice and counsel
of the Lords of our council we have established created and made
and by the tenor of this our present Charter establish create and
make the said Town of Newmyllis lying in the Barony of Loudoun
within our Sheriffdom of Ayr into a free Burgh in Barony forever.
We have also granted and by this our present Charter grant to the
Inhabitants of the said Burgh and future Inhabitants thereof full
power and free liberty of buying and selling in the said Burgh
wines, wax, woollen and linen cloth broad and narrow and other
lawful merchandise whatever, with power and liberty of having and
keeping Bakers, Brewers, Fleshers and Sellers as well of Flesh as
of Fish and other craftsmen any ways pertaining and belonging to
the freedom of a Burgh of Barony. And we have granted and by the
tenor of this our present Charter grant that in said Burgh there be
Burgesses and that they have power in all time coming of electing
Bailies and other Officers necessary for the Government of said
Burgh and in like manner we have granted and by the tenor of this
our present Charter grant that the Burgesses and Inhabitants of the
said Burgh may have, hold and possess forever a Cross and Market on
Sunday weekly and public fairs on every year forever upon the feast
or day of Saint Dionysus in Autumn for four days immediately
following said feast, with customs and all other liberties
pertaining or which can justly be said to pertain to fairs of the
same kind in future. Having and Holding the said Town of Newmyllis
in all time to come in a new and free Burgh in Barony, with all the
foresaid privileges, liberties and concessions, and all and
singular other privileges, profits, advantages and easements and
just pertinent whatsoever, as well as not named as named pertaining
or which may be justly held to pertain to a Burgh in Barony in
future. And that as freely, quietly, amply fully honourably well
and in peace in all and by all things as any Burgh in Barony in our
Kingdom in whatever times by past has been more freely invested or
held without revocation whatever wherefore we strictly order and
command all and singular whom it concerns or may concern that no
one presume to act in opposition to this our Grant or any of the
premises in any manner of way under every pain which may be
competent in such case. In Testimony whereof we have been ordered
our Great Seal to be appended to this our Charter before these
witnesses, The Reverend Fathers in Christ, Robert, Bishop of
Glasgow, William, Bishop of Aberdeen, our beloved Cousins, Colin,
Earl of Ergile, Lord Campbell and our Chancellor, Patrick, Earl of
Bothvile, Lord Halis and Alexander Hume of that ilk our great
chamberlain, William, Lord Saint John, master of our household and
our treasury, John, Lord Glammys, John, Lord Drummond our
justiciaries, the venerable Father in Christ, John, Prior of Saint
Andrews, Keeper of our Privy Seal, Andrew, Lord Gray Laurence, Lord
Oliphant and our beloved clergymen, Masters Richard Mure, Head Dean
of Glasgow Clerk of our Council Register and Rolls and Archibald
Whitelaw Sub Dean of Glasgow our Secretary. At Linlithgow the ninth
day of the month of January in the year of our Lord one thousand
four hundred and ninety and of our reign the third
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Andrew Blane (copy) originally James IV
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East Ayrshire Council/East Ayrshire Leisure