Translation of charter 1566 by Matthew Campbell
Translation of the
Charter by Sir Matthew Campbell of Loudoun in favour of the Town of
21st January 1566.
To All by
whom this Charter may be seen or heard Matthew Campbell of Loudoun
Knight Sheriff of Ayr greeting in the Lord for ever. Know ye that I
have given granted and by this my present Charter confirmed as I by
these presents give grant and by this my present Charter confirm to
the Community of my Burgh of Newmilnis, lying in my Barony of
Loudoun and within the Sheriffdom of Ayr, and to the Inhabitants
and future Inhabitants of the same full power and the free liberty
of keeping and selling in said Burgh wine, wax, linen and woollen
cloth, broad and narrow and other lawful merchandise whatever, with
power, and liberty of having and keeping Bakers, Brewers, Fleshers
and Sellers as well of Flesh as of Fish and other craftsmen any
ways pertaining and belonging to the liberty of the said Burgh as
also I have granted and by the tenor of this my present Charter
Grant that in the said Burgh there be Burgesses and that they have
power in all time to come of electing Bailies and other Office
Bearers necessary for the government of the said Burgh, and of
holding counts and applying the issues thereof to common uses with
power to the said Bailies of said Burgh to receive resignations of
the lands and tenements lying in said Burgh or liberty thereof, and
to infeft the Inhabitants of the said lands and tenements after
resignation has been made in their hands. But providing that the
said Inhabitants of the foresaid Burgh and the lands of the same
pay to me and my heirs the free farm duty used and want, together
with the double of the said feu farm duty the first year of their
entry as also I have granted and by the tenor of this my present
Charter Grant to the Burgesses and Inhabitants of the said Burgh
that in said Burgh they may have hold and possess for ever a Cross
and a Market upon the Sabbath day each week and public fairs each
year forever upon the feast or day of Dionisius in Autumn, and for
four days immediately following said feast with customs and all
other liberties pertaining to fairs of this kind or which may
justly pertain thereto in future, together with full power to the
said Community Bailies Inhabitants and future Inhabitants of the
said Burgh of repledging from my Barony of Loudoun the Inhabitants
of said Burgh to the privilege or count of the same as often as
they may be arrested at the instance of whomsoever in all time to
come. Having and Holding the said Burgh of Newmilnis in all times
to come in a free Burgh with the foresaid privileges liberties and
concessions and all and singular other liberties advantages
easements and just pertinent of the same whatsoever as well not
named as named pertaining or which may be justly held to pertain to
a free Burgh in future as freely quietly fully entirely honourably
well and in peace in all things and by all things as I have held or
possest or my predecessors in former times held or possest together
with free ish and entry in and to the lands moors and marshes used
and want pertaining or which may be justly held to pertain to the
Bailies Inhabitants and future Inhabitants of said Burgh in all
time to come, and I and my heirs and assignees shall warrant acquit
and forever defend the foresaid Burgh of Newmilnis with the
privileges and other liberties above written in all things, and by
all things in form as well as in effect as aforesaid against all
mortals. In testimony whereof my proper seal together with my
manual Subscription is appended to these presents at Newmilnis the
twenty first day of the month of January in the year of our Lord
one thousand five hundred and sixty six before these witnesses John
Loidoun in Newmilnis, Thomas Stewart of Galston, Mungo Campbell of
Brownside Hugh Nisbet in Hag and George Angus notary Public with
sundry others.
Matthew Campbell of Loudoun Kngt.
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Andrew Blane (copy) originally Matthew Campbell of Loudoun
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East Ayrshire Council/East Ayrshire Leisure