Plan for proposed extension to Garrick Hospital, Stranraer, 1919

The Garrick Hospital opened in Edinburgh Road, Stranraer in 1898.  It was built chiefly with finds from a bequest by Provost Garrick, 1885-87.  However such was the demand for it's facilities, it soon became apparent that it lacked sufficient accommodation.  These plans for extensions were provided in 1919 but it wasn't until 1935, after a concerted effort was made to fund the project, that these proposed plans were actually used.
Object no :
Creator :
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
1990.16.1-2 H:524mm; L:675mm; 1990.16.3 H:612mm; L:675mm
Materials :
paper, ink
Location :
Accession number :
WIWMS 1990.16.1-3
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council
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