Dr Macaura's mechanical massager

This strange item was used to increase the blood circulation. Known as Mechanical Blood Circulator it was invented and produced by a Dr Macura in the early years of the 20th century. In many ways it resembles a kitchen whisk. Turning the handle on the side operates an internal mechanism which activates the rubber tip or nose. The vibrating tip is placed on the patient’s body and the massaging action stimulates blood flow. Macaura’s machine was first made in the 1880’s under the name ‘Macaura’s Pulsoscon’ and was later re-branded as the ‘Blood Circulator’. It was manufactured in Leed’s and continued in production until the 1930s. According to the instructions booklet The Blood Circulator was able to cure a number of ailments ranging from writer’s cramp to what are described mysteriously as ‘women’s diseases’. It also promised a ‘lasting cure for all nervous diseases and functional disorders’.
Object no :
Creator :
Place of Production :
British Appliances Manufacturing Co, Leeds, England
Dimensions :
L:310mm x W:90mm
Materials :
metal, wood, rubber
Location :
Accession number :
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council
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