Glove in the Midge & Flea pattern, "JNF" at wrist

Example of a Sanquhar pattern glove in black and white wool to illustrate the "Midge & Flea" design.  This is probably one of the oldest patterns, and most closely resembles other traditional knitting of the 18th century.  Its name is self-explanatory, although opinions vary on the identity of the second insect!   This example was knitted by Miss Jane N Forsyth, then in her seventies, using size 15 needles and 3 ply wool. It has the initials "JNF" at the wrist.  Her gloves were displayed at various country shows over the years.
Object no :
SQTX015a, SQTX015b
Collection :
Creator :
Miss Jane N Forsyth
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
length 265mm, (cuff) width 90mm
Materials :
Location :
Accession number :
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council
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