Keir Hardie - 100 years on
The political pioneer Keir Hardie died a hundred
years ago in September 1915 but his legend endures. From the
humblest beginning in poverty, he became one of the best known
public figures of his time. He was a Member of Parliament, founder
of a major political party and an advocate of votes for women and
other causes. But, for all his achievements, he died a disappointed
and broken man.
It is appropriate that we have this exhibition in Cumnock,
for it was here that Hardie had his family home for the last 25
years of his life. Using many of his personal belongings and
related material drawn from the Lochnorris Collection, our
exhibition looks at the man, his political philosophy, his family
life and his legacy.
This FREE exhibition is currently
displaying at The Baird Institute, Cumnock until 19/12/2015
3 Lugar Street, Cumnock, KA18 1AD
Thursday - Saturday 11am - 5pm
(closed on public holidays)
Tel: 01290 427084