The Medieval
During the medieval period Scotland's story was defined by
centuries of feuding between the most powerful families in the land
and the constant threat of aggression and occupation from its
larger southern neighbour. The people of the south-west suffered as
armies advanced and retreated leaving devastation in their wake.
They also bred extraordinary heroes who devoted their lives to the
struggle which ultimately united the people of Scotland and won
their Independence.
The lands of Annandale, Eskdale and Strathnith were brought into
the emerging kingdom of Scotland in the early 1100s.Galloway
followed when it was invaded three times in 1160 by Malcom IV. The
Lords of Galloway continued for another century as semi-independent
rulers, actively engaged with politics and warfare in the Isle of
Man andUlster, with help from both English and Scottish kings.
The careless death of Alexander III in 1296 led to the eventual
crowning of John Balliol as king of Scotlandin 1292. Balliol was
descended from the line of the Lords of Galloway, and his
supporters, the Comyns, held the castle at Dalswinton, near
Dumfries. Balliol's rivals were the Bruces, who were Lords of
Robert Bruce murdered Comyn at Greyfriars in Dumfries in 1306,
and declared himself king of Scotland. The Wars of Independence
continued for another 50 years, and the period became one of the
defining moments in the nation's history. At the end of both wars,
Scotlandretained its status as an independent nation. The English
held on to Annandale until 1383, when they were driven out by
Archibald the Grim, Lord of Galloway and 3rd Earl
of Douglas.
One of the results of the wars had been the rise of the Douglas
family, who were granted the Balliol lands, and who went on to
become one of the dominant families in Scottish politics for the
next century, with Threave Castle as one of their main strongholds.
Their power grew so great that in 1440 the young
6th Earl and his brother were invited to Edinburgh
Castle -the so-called 'Black Dinner' which followed saw the two
boys beheaded on trumped-up charges, in the presence of the young
King James II.
James II went on to murder the 8th Earl Douglas
in 1452, and his forces defeated those of the rebellious
9th Earl at the Battle of Arkinholm, near Langholm,
in 1455. The king's forces were led by local families, such as the
Maxwells and Johnstones, who were trying to shake offDouglas
domination. Threave, the last Douglas stronghold was beseiged for
two months, and only fell when the garrison were bribed and
promised safe conduct. Douglas fled toEngland, and was finally
captured at theBattle of Lochmaben Fair when he tried to invade
again in 1484.
The Treaty of Perpetual Peace was signed
betweenScotlandandEnglandin 1502, in an attempt to end the border
warfare between them which had been going on for two hundred years.
It lasted barely ten years before the Scots broke it, only to be
defeated at Flodden, where the king and most of the leading Scots
nobles were killed or captured. A raid by Lord Dacre in response
laid waste all of lower Eskdale and Annandale.
In Dumfriesshire the Maxwells were the leading family. They were
fierce rivals with the Chrichtons of Sanquhar, who they defeated in
battle at Dumfries in 1508, and also had a longstanding feud
with the Johnstones of Lockwood, which came to a head at the Battle
of Dryfe Sands, near Lockerbie, in 1593 where the Maxwells were
beaten and Lord Maxwell killed. Border warfare and reiving only
declined after James VI of Scotland became James I of England, with
the Union of the Crowns in 1603.