Timothy Pont
This venture was undertaken in a time of limited transport, and
much of the country was so inaccessible that it had to be done on
foot. He personally crossed the country surveying all the counties
and isles, and making drawings of many monuments of antiquity, many
of which no longer exist, making his sketches the only point of
reference we have for them today. Much has been made of his travels
across the lochs, bogs and mountains of the Highlands, an area
which was crawling with bands of brigands and packs of wolves in
the early 17th Century, but it is his survey of the northern part
of Ayrshire, Cunninghame, which is the most complete. He must have
gone over the district at some length and extensively lists as many
as 348 place names. In fact it was Pont who placed the now
forgotten town of Ellerslie in Ayrshire, near Kilmarnock, lending
credence to the claims of Ayrshire being the birth-place of
Sir William Wallace. Going by the names of some of the people
that he mentions in the survey, it was probably undertaken sometime
between 1610 and 1620.
The exact date of Pont's death is as uncertain as the location of
his burial place, but we do know that the Bishop Nicholson remarked
his death was to "the inestimable loss of his country". Pont's work
was put at the disposal of the Blaeus, Dutch topographers, by
Charles I, in order to aid them complete their great work 'An Atlas
of the World', in 1655.
Pont on
"The structure of the Monasterey wes solid and grate all of free
stone cutte. The Church faire and staitly after ye model of yat of
Glasgow vith a fair steeiple\of 7 score foote of height zet
ftanding quhen I myselve did see it".
Pont on Irvine
"Irrwyne Toune this is the head burrough and chieffe porte of ye
country of Cunninghame the port and harbry being now much decayed
from quhat it wes anciently being ftopt vith fhelwes of fand wich
hinders the neir approach of fhipping, the toune is a free Royall
burghe and is gowerned vith a prowest and his Ballies, in it is a
fair church, and the Ballie Courts of Cunninghame art her keipt by
the Earl of Eglintoune and hes deputts. Neir to ye toune the Riuer
Irwyne is ouer passed by a faire ftone Bridge, neir to wich wes
formerly a frierrey of ye order of ye Carmalitts founded of old by
the Laird of Foulartone de eodem. Ther is plenty of falmons takin
in this Riuer,…"
Pont on
"Kilmernock Toune and Kirke is a large village and of grate
repaire. It hath in it a veekly market. It hath a faire ftone
bridge ouer the Riuer Marnock vich glydes hard by the faid toune
till it falles in the Riuer Caldur. It hath a prettey church from
vich ye village Castle and Lordfchipe takes its name. it wes bulte
by the
Locarts Lards of it and dedicate to a holy man Mernock as
vitnesess ye records of Kilvinin abbay. The Lord Boyd is now Lord
of it, to quhosse predicessors it hath belonged for maney
Pont on Largs
"Lairgs near this toune did ye Scotts obteine a memorable victory
vnder Alexander ye 3d againft
Acho king of Noruay quhosse armey the vterly ouerthrew, it
is a brughe of Barroney. It is a fine plot extended one ye bank of
ye grate ocean. Laying low. It hath alfo a small porte for botts
one the mouth of the Riuer Gogow. Vpone the North fyde of ye toune,
ther is called by the vulgar ye Prisson-Fold quher ther wer a grate
nomber of Danes enclofed and taken prisoners at ye batell of
Largis. Heir is alfo a parochiall churche of ye same name. heir
adioyning the
Lord Boyd hath diuers lands called
Pont on
"Salte-cottes quher falt is made. It belongs to ye Earle of
Pont on Newmilns
"Neumilles a fair and veil bult duelling decored vith plefant
gardens and orchards, it belongs to ye Lord Loudoun,…"