Burns' House, Mauchline
This is 1 of 12 etchings by George Houston which form a series entitled Burns Country. The series depicts different sites around Ayrshire with which Burns was associated at various stages in his life. The series was published in May 1915 and was accompanied by text written by Houston's friend Neil Munro.
Robert Burns and Jean Armour rented a room in this building during 1788. Their twin daughters were born here in the MArch but died only a few days later. From the June onwards, Burns spent much of his time at Ellisland preparing their new home. Jean left in the December to join him.
Burns House is now a museum showing a number of original manuscripts and objects from Burns’ and Jean's lives, including poems and letters, as well as an original Kilmarnock Edition.
Object no :
Collection :
Creator :
George Houston
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
173 x 249mm
Materials :
Location :
Accession number :
Copyright :
The Artist