The Scottish Gallovidian Encyclopedia
The First Edition. The Scottish Gallovidian Encyclopedia. Contains definitions of many local words and phrases relating to curling,
BOWEROCK - An huddled lump of anything. Big on to the bowercock, a term at curling, and means, to direct the stone to where a number are already laid.
CLOOTER - the noise a bad delivered channle-stone makes on ice.
SLAGGIE - the land, or ice after a thaw, is said to be slaggie. A slag-day with curlers, is a day on which the ice is thawing.
WHUNCE - A heavy blow, or the noise of such a blow, as when two channle-stones strike one another.
The fact that the game had its own vocabulary indicates how widely it was practised at this time.
Object no :
Collection :
Creator :
John MacTaggart
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
140mm x 222mm
Materials :
leather, boards, paper
Location :
Accession number :
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council