John McKissock - Visitor Services Assistant, East Ayrshire Leisure

Real life: fearsome, hopeful, imaginative, destructive, simplistic, inventive and powerful. My selection aims to represent the various shades of life. Art and history lend themselves to both personal interpretation and collective symbolism. As a native of Ayrshire and in my capacity within the Arts & Museums department based at the Dick Institute, I have assisted with many exhibitions during my time here. However, certain items have remained clearly in my mind, whether exhibited 15 years or 5 months ago.

Items such as, the First Edition of Poems by  Burns, which lends itself not only to local patriotism but also as a national treasure.  Peter Howson's 'Smile & Wave' depicts the gruesome destruction that man unleashes upon himself; the power that was the subject of 'Audience with Agrippa' is securely backed by the visual power that artist Sir Lawrence Alma Tademas' hand has brought to this wonderful work of art; the section of rail from the  Duke of Portlands ' Kilmarnock to Troon' railway whilst being a lump of metal actually represents a very significant development in both Ayrshire and Scotland's development. All the items I have selected represent life in a very real way for me. 

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