Scottish Trade Token
Trade tokens were issued in the 18th century by manufacturers, merchants and shopkeepers for the purpose of providing small change. Most of them bear the name of the town in which they were used and the company name or commodity for which they were exchanged for. Although this one doesn't say where it was used or what for, the likeness of Wallace depicted on it shows the lasting appeal of the Wallace legend. Wallace is often shown with the image of a dragon as a crest on his helmet and may allude to his supposed Welsh heritage. Tokens were also struck for sale to collectors which was a fashionable hobby. Many of these tokens bore images of popular or unusual interest. In the 18th century many Scots were still not happy about the Union with England and Wallace was often used as a symbol of Scottish Independence at that time.
Object no :
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Dimensions :
D 27mm
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Copyright :
East Ayrshire Council