Burgh of Kilmarnock Freedom Casket

The Freedom of the Burgh of Kilmarnock was presented to Andrew Fisher in this casket. The ceremony took place in 1911 when Fisher made a visit to Kilmarnock and Crosshouse whilst in Britain for the coronation of George V. He was Prime Minister of Australia at the time.   Inscribed on the lid of the casket are the words; "Presented to the Right Honourable Andrew Fisher P.C. Premier of the Commonwealth Australia by the Provost, Magistrates and Councillors of the Burgh of Kilmarnock on his being admitted a Burgess and Freeman of the Burgh. 5th July, 1911". The sides of the casket are decorated with scenes of the Dick Institute, the Burns Monument, Kilmarnock Cross in both 1824 and 1911 and Busby Castle, Crosshouse. The lid is decorated with a design of thistles. The Burgh of Kilmarnock Coat of Arms appear on the lid and on the front.   Purchased 1993 with Assistance from the National Fund for Acquisitions administered with Government Funds by the National Museums of Scotland.
Object no :
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Dimensions :
297 x 165 x 222mm
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Copyright :
East Ayrshire Council
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