Notice of fine

This holograph manuscript was written as part of Burns' work as an Excise Officer. It is a notice of fine to Robert Moore, Dumfries, for making bricks without a licence. A subsequent reciept for payment is on the reverse.   Inscription, in Burns' hand: 'Robt Moore in Dumfries I hereby intimate to you that by / decreet of thy Justices of the Peace for the County of Dumfries / you are fined in the sum of 1£ Ster. for making bricks with- / out entry - and if the said sum be not paid within 14 days / from this date you will incur an additional expence of 2d on each 1Sh Ster / [signed] Robt Burns / 26 Oct 1789'
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Dimensions :
208mm x 66mm
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Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council
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