Magic Lantern Slide with Photograph of Burns House, Dumfries

"House In Which Burns Died", a black and white photographic image of the house in Burns Street, Dumfries.   It was in this ordinary sandstone house in a quiet back street of Dumfries that Robert Burns spent the last three years of his life. The family moved into the house in May 1793. Their standard of living was good and they employed a maid servant.   The house had a parlour, kitchen, two bedrooms and even a small study where Burns could write. It was well furnished with a carpet and a long case clock in the parlour. Robert Burns died here on 21 July 1796, although his wife, Jean Armour Burns continued to live in the house until her own death in 1834.   The house was purchased in 1851 by their son, Colonel William Nicol Burns and throughout the 19th Century it became a place of pilgrimage for Burns enthusiasts from around the world. The house was restored in 1935 and opened as a museum. It still retains much of its eighteenth century character.
Object no :
Collection :
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Dimensions :
width: 82 mm, length: 82 mm
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Accession number :
Lantern Slide, PEOPLE, Robert Burns / 70
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council
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