Magic Lantern Slide with Photograph of Burns' Home at Mauchline
"First house Occupied by Burns & his Wife at Mauchline", a black and white photographic image of the house, with its thatched roof.
Robert Burns first met his wife, Jean Armour, in Mauchline in 1784, shortly after his family moved to the farm of Mossgiel close to the town. She was one of the "Mauchline Belles". The record of the date of their marriage is unclear and their relationship was opposed by her parents, but in September 1786 she gave birth to twins, Robert and Jean.
The next year saw the publication of the Kilmarnock edition of Burns' poems and his success in Edinburgh society, yet during this time he and Jean met again, and again she became pregnant by him. She was thrown out by her parents and it was at this juncture that Burns took rooms for her in Mauchline and arranged for a doctor to attend her confinement. This was their first home, where Jean delivered another set of twins, who unfortunately died within a few weeks of their birth.
Later that year Robert Burns and Jean Armour were married privately in the offices of Gavin Hamilton in Mauchline.
Object no :
Collection :
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Dimensions :
width: 82 mm, length: 82 mm
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Accession number :
Lantern Slide, PEOPLE, Robert Burns / 8
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council