Lincluden College, steel plate engraving

An image of the ruins of Lincluden College near Dumfries made around the time that Robert Burns lived in the town.   When Robert Burns exchanged the role of farmer for that of Exciseman he moved with his family from Ellisland Farm into a tenement flat in Bank Street, Dumfries.  He developed a habit of taking walks along the banks of the River Nith, perhaps to replace the outdoor life he had previously led.   This engraving illustrates Lincluden Abbey, a mediaeval ruin which captured the poet's imagination.  It stands beside the Cluden Water, a tributary which joins the west bank of the River Nith north of the town.  It was here that he wrote the haunting song, "Ca the Yowes to the Knowes", which features the Cluden Water and Lincluden Abbey.  In September 1794 he wrote to George Thomson, his publisher, "In a solitary stroll which I took today, I tried my hand on a few pastoral lines.  Here it is."
Object no :
Collection :
Creator :
G Cook
Place of Production :
Dimensions :
length 164mm, width 216mm
Materials :
Location :
Accession number :
Copyright :
Dumfries & Galloway Council
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