The Song of Death

Farewell, thou fair day, thou green earth, and ye skies, Now gay with the broad setting sun; Farewell, loves and friendships, ye dear tender ties, Our race of existence is run! Thou grim King of Terrors; thou Life's gloomy foe! Go, frighten the coward and slave; Go, teach them to tremble, fell tyrant! but know No terrors hast thou to the brave! Thou strik'st the dull peasant-he sinks in the dark, Nor saves e'en the wreck of a name; Thou strik'st the young hero-a glorious mark; He falls in the blaze of his fame! In the field of proud honour-our swords in our hands, Our King and our country to save; While victory shines on Life's last ebbing sands, - O! who would not die with the brave!   Part of the James McKie Collection
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East Ayrshire Council
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