Customs & Excise; smuggling
With the Union of the Parliaments in 1707, Customs and Excise
records begin, and we can see the constant struggle between
smugglers and government officers. The smugglers came from the Isle
of Man, which had lower import duties. It was easy for small boats
to bring salt, brandy and tobacco across the Solway by night. Or
cargo vessels from Virginia and the West Indies would send boats
ashore. Country people saw no reason why they should pay heavy
government duties, so there was a ready sale for contraband.
Smuggling often provided extra income in times of need.
An early incident was reported in July 1711. On hearing of a cargo
of tobacco from the Isle of Man landed at Glenhowan near Glencaple,
the Supervisor of Excise went to investigate and duly found the
tobacco. He attempted to confiscate it, but was attacked by "a
multitude of women armed with clubs and axes".
Another of the Excise officers' difficult tasks was to try to
enforce a week's quarantine, at the mouth of the Kirkbean Burn, on
any ship found to be from a plague-stricken port.
By the 1760s, the Supervisor reported that smugglers were now
"riding openly, allowing no Customs Officer near them". Excise
officers routinely carried swords and guns in the course of their
duties and a ship of the Royal Navy was stationed at Carsethorn to
intercept smugglers.
Writing in 1867, William McDowall remembered that when he was a
boy in Maxwelltown, he used to wake up at two in the morning to the
noise of a train of twenty or more ponies, with baskets full of
smuggled goods, galloping over the Old Bridge and through the
streets. Nobody was with them, they were trained to stop at a farm
just outside the town.