John Hunter-Selkirk

The 'Braidwood Collection' amassed by John Hunter-Selkirk was often described as "one of the most important ever brought together in this country by a private individual". The collection is wide-ranging and includes fossils, antiquities and early printed books. Hunter-Selkirk was one of the best known scientists of his day and had many famous friends in the fields of science and art.

It was his close friendship with  James Thomson of Kilmarnock, the foremost Scottish expert on fossil corals, and his involvement with Kilmarnock's  Glenfield Ramblers that led Hunter-Selkirk to donate major parts of his collection to the town. This generous gift, along with Thomson's own collection was instrumental in the establishment of a museum in  Kilmarnock

Although he was never a member of the Glenfield Ramblers, his reputation as a great scientist meant that he was well known by them, and whenever they ventured near his home in Lanarkshire he joined their party and was greatly admired for his contribution to the day's enjoyment. 

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